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dc.contributor.authorSolheim, Ingvil Linnea
dc.identifier.citationSolheim, Ingvil Linnea. “I just want to be myself”: Exploring the Experiences of Transgender Individuals in Search for Acceptance. Master thesis, University of Oslo, 2022
dc.description.abstractTransgender people are more at risk for mental health issues than their cisgender peers. Previous literature has suggested that this disparity is related to societal stigma. Further, existing theories of gender affirmation and minority stress provide a basis for understanding how acceptance, and the lack of it, are important for trans people’s well-being. The current study aimed to explore trans people’s experiences of searching for acceptance for their identity, from others and from within. Using a qualitative method, we conducted in-depth interviews with 13 transgender individuals living in Norway. We used a reflexive thematic analysis and developed four key themes: 1) Coming to terms with one’s identity, 2) Having a sense of one’s life being paused, 3) Navigating others’ reactions, and 4) Feeling responsible for others’ acceptance. Participants described how stereotypes had influenced their and others’ view of trans people, and how trans representation played an important role in their acceptance. They also highlighted how the trans community could provide a deeper understanding and acceptance of their identity, and a unique sense of support and belonging. Some emphasized a feeling of responsibility for improving upon the knowledge of trans people. Overall, participants highlighted the necessity of being seen and acknowledged for their correct gender identity for being able to live their lives to the fullest.nob
dc.title“I just want to be myself”: Exploring the Experiences of Transgender Individuals in Search for Acceptancenob
dc.typeMaster thesis
dc.typeGroup thesis
dc.creator.authorSolheim, Ingvil Linnea
dc.rights.termsKLAUSULERING: Dokumentet er klausulert grunnet lovpålagt taushetsplikt. Tilgangskode/Access code C

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