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dc.identifier.citationDevulapalli, Chandra Sekhar. Inhaled corticosteroids in children: use and effects of early treatment on asthma and lung function . Doktoravhandling, University of Oslo, 2008en_US
dc.description.abstractTITTEL: Effekter av inhalasjonssteroider hos barn og en score for å forutsi senere astma <br><br> Barnelege og forsker Chandra Sekhar Devulapalli har funnet gunstig effekt av behandling med inhalasjonssteroider (kortison preparat som pustes inn) på utviklingen av lungefunksjon hos yngre astmatiske barn. Imidlertid ser ikke tidlig behandling (før 2 års alder) med inhalasjonssteroider til å påvirke utviklingen av aktiv astma 8 år senere; det vil si lang tids prognose vil være stort sett uendret. <br> Devulapalli har sammen med medarbeidere ved Ullevål universitetssykehus analysert data fra barna som har deltatt i Miljø og barneastma undersøkelsen i Oslo. Resultatene viste at barn som fikk behandling med inhalasjonssteroider viste bedring i lungefunksjon ved 2 års alder sammenlignet med barn uten slik behandling. <br> Avhandlingen viste at det er mulig å forutsi astma hos 10 årige barn ved hjelp av en score (’severity score’) basert på astmatisk besvær innen første 2 leveår. Det ble funnet høy risiko for å utvikle aktiv astma samt økt luftveisfølsomhet hos barn i 10 års alderen som hadde høy score ved 2 års alder. Denne scoren er enkel å bruke og kan identifisere barna med høy risiko for å utvikle astma senere.<br> De siste 30 årene har det vært økning av forekomst av astma hos barn både i Norge og resten av verden. Resultater fra avhandlingen viste en fortsatt økning av astma hos skolebarn i Oslo i løpet av det siste tiåret. Dette er den høyeste forekomsten (20,2 %) rapportert noen gang i Skandinavia.nor
dc.description.abstractThe role of inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) on disease progression in asthmatic children is not yet clear although they are widely used for mild to severe persistent asthma. The aims of the present thesis were to assess if ICS treatment had an effect on lung function in young children with recurrent bronchial obstruction (rBO) and to explore if early ICS treatment in children with rBO during the first two years of age can modify occurrence of current asthma in school children. Furthermore, we aimed to assess if a severity score based on clinical symptoms of obstructive airways disease (OAD) during the first two years of life would be able to predict asthma in school children. Lastly, the purpose was to investigate the prevalence of asthma in children in an urban population. <br><br> The present study is part of a 10 year follow-up of children in the prospective birth cohort, the Environment and Childhood Asthma study in Oslo, started in 1992. The initial phase was to obtain background information and lung function measurements in 803 newborn children. The second phase covered the first 2 years of life which included questionnaires and a nested case-control study at 2 years including children with physician confirmed rBO or persistent bronchial obstruction and age-matched controls. The third phase was the follow-up study at 10 years of age attended by 1019 children. <br><br> Lung function measured by tidal breathing appeared to improve in children using ICS from the start of symptoms of OAD until two years of age, especially those with the longest duration of treatment. However, use of ICS during the first two years of life in children with OAD did not reduce asthma present eight years later. <br> Using a simple scoring system, a high severity score of OAD by 2 years of age is a strong risk factor for, and may predict current asthma at 10 years of age. <br> We also found that every fifth 10 year old child in the city of Oslo at some time had asthma, the highest ever reported in Scandinavia.eng
dc.relation.haspartPaper I Asthma in every fifth child in Oslo, Norway: a 10-year follow up of a birth cohort study. Karin C. Lødrup Carlsen, Geir Håland, Chandra Sekhar Devulapalli, Monica Cheng Munthe-Kaas, Morten Pettersen, Berit Granum, Martinus Løvik and Kai-Håkon Carlsen. Allergy 2006 Apr;61(4):454-60 The paper is not available in DUO. The published version is available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1398-9995.2005.00938.x
dc.relation.haspartPaper II Effect of inhaled steroids on lung function in young children: a cohort study. Chandra Sekhar Devulapalli, Geir Håland, Morten Pettersen, Kai-Håkon Carlsen, and Karin C. Lødrup Carlsen. Eur Respir J. 2004 Jun;23(6):869-75 The paper is not available in DUO. The published version is available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1183/09031936.04.00095304
dc.relation.haspartPaper III Severity of obstructive airways disease by age 2 years predicts asthma at 10 years of age. Chandra Sekhar Devulapalli, Karin C. Lødrup Carlsen, Geir Håland, Monica Cheng Munthe-Kaas, Morten Pettersen, Petter Mowinckel and Kai-Håkon Carlsen. Thorax 2008; 63(1):8-13. Epub 2007 Jul 5 The paper is not available in DUO. The published version is available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/thx.2006.060616
dc.relation.haspartPaper IV No evidence that early use of inhaled corticosteroids reduces current asthma at 10 years of age. Chandra Sekhar Devulapalli, Karin C. Lødrup Carlsen, Geir Håland, Monica Cheng Munthe-Kaas, Morten Pettersen, Petter Mowinckel and Kai-Håkon Carlsen. Respir Med. 2007 Aug;101(8):1625-1632. Epub 2007 May 21 The paper is not available in DUO. The published version is available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rmed.2007.03.011
dc.titleInhaled corticosteroids in children: use and effects of early treatment on asthma and lung function : prevalence of asthma and the impact of severity in early life on later asthma in childhooden_US
dc.typeDoctoral thesisen_US
dc.creator.authorDevulapalli, Chandra Sekharen_US
cristin.unitnameMedisinske fakulteten_US
dc.identifier.bibliographiccitationinfo:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:ctx&ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&rft_val_fmt=info:ofi/fmt:kev:mtx:dissertation&rft.au=Devulapalli, Chandra Sekhar&rft.title=Inhaled corticosteroids in children: use and effects of early treatment on asthma and lung function &rft.inst=University of Oslo&rft.date=2008&rft.degree=Doktoravhandlingen_US
dc.contributor.supervisorKai-Håkon Carlsen; Karin C Lødrup Carlsenen_US
dc.identifier.fulltextFulltext https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/28135/3/Devulapalli_Thesis.pdf

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