• Tzanis, George; Harris, Michael; Brekke, Mette; Marzo-Castillejo, Mercè; Cifcili, Saliha Serap; Wawrzynek, Wojciech; Flamm, Maria; Buono, Nicola; Márkus, Bernadett; Zacay, Galia; Skuja, Ilze; Adzic, Zlata Ozvacic; Iacob, Mihai; Asenova, Radost; Petek, Davorina; Buczkowski, Krzysztof; Curtis, Pamela; Pilv-Toom, Liina; Hoffman, Robert; Smyrnakis, Emmanouil (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2022)
    Background: Some symptoms are recognised as red flags for cancer, causing the General Practitioner (GP) to refer the patient for investigation without delay. However, many early symptoms of cancer are vague and unspecific, ...