Now showing items 1-2 of 2

  • Koppers, Anthony A.P.; Becker, Thorsten W.; Jackson, Matthew G.; Konrad, Kevin; Müller, Dietmar R.; Romanowicz, Barbara; Steinberger, Bernhard; Whittaker, Joanne M. (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / SubmittedVersion, 2021)
    The existence of mantle plumes was first proposed in the 1970s to explain intra-plate, hotspot volcanism, yet owing to difficulties in resolving mantle upwellings with geophysical images and discrepancies in interpretations ...
  • Konrad, Kevin; Koppers, Anthony A.P.; Steinberger, Bernhard; Finlayson, Valerie A.; Konter, Jasper G.; Jackson, Matthew G. (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2018)
    Mantle plumes upwelling beneath moving tectonic plates generate age-progressive chains of volcanos (hotspot chains) used to reconstruct plate motion. However, these hotspots appear to move relative to each other, implying ...