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  • Bromley, R.L.; Bickle Graz, Graz; Bluett-Duncan, M.; Chambers, C.; Damkier, P.; Dietrich, K.; Dolk, H.; Grant, K.; Mattson, S.; Meador, K.J.; Nordeng, H.; Oberlander, T.F.; Ornoy, A.; Revet, A.; Richardson, J.; Rovet, J.; Schuler-Faccini, L.; Smearman, E.; Simms, V.; Vorhees, C.; Wide, K.; Wood, A.; Yates, L.; Ystrøm, Eivind; Supraja, T.A.; Adams, J. (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2023)
    Background: Exposure in utero to certain medications can disrupt processes of fetal development, including brain development, leading to a continuum of neurodevelopmental difficulties. Recognizing the deficiency of ...