Now showing items 1-1 of 1

  • Andriantsaralaza, Miora; Ramstedt, S.; Vlemmings, W. H. T.; Danilovich, T.; De Beck, E.; Groenewegen, M.; Höfner, S.; Kerschbaum, F.; Khouri, T.; Lindqvist, M.; Maercker, M.; Olofsson, H.; Quintana-Lacaci, G.; Saberi, Maryam; Sahai, R.; Zijlstra, A. (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2021)
    Aims. We aim to constrain the sizes of, and investigate deviations from spherical symmetry in, the CO circumstellar envelopes (CSEs) of 16 S-type stars, along with an additional 7 and 4 CSEs of C-type and M-type AGB stars, ...