Now showing items 1-2 of 2

  • Vervoort, Joost M.; Milkoreit, Manjana; van Beek, Lisette; Mangnus, Astrid C.; Farrell, David; McGreevy, Steven R.; Ota, Kazuhiko; Rupprecht, Christoph D.D.; Reed, Jason B.; Huber, Matthew (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2022)
    Simulation games are increasingly popular tools for opening up future imaginaries, especially in the arena of sustainability policy-making and decision support. However, there is a lack of understanding regarding the ...
  • van Beek, Lisette; Milkoreit, Manjana; Prokopy, Linda; Reed, Jason; Vervoort, Joost; Wardekker, Arjan; Weiner, Roberta (Journal article / Tidsskriftartikkel / PublishedVersion; Peer reviewed, 2022)
    Abstract A growing body of research indicates that effective science-policy interactions demand novel approaches, especially in policy domains with long time horizons like climate change. Serious games offer promising ...