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dc.contributor.authorBjørnå, Knut Eidsten
dc.identifier.citationBjørnå, Knut Eidsten. Quality, competition and Marxism: A narrative identity approach to worldview of the Chinese Communist Party. Master thesis, University of Oslo, 2015
dc.description.abstractAbstract The purpose of this thesis is to gain insight into the CCP s professed self-image by analyzing party speeches which have members as their primary audience. By utilizing Margaret Somers' concepts pertaining to narrative identity, I will show how the CCP party centre sets out to place the party, its members at large and itself into a historical and relational setting that attempts to make sense of the CCP s current position in China – and its envisioned role in the future. This paper will thus summarize the CCP party centre s view of history, along with its views of its own identity, that of its members, and how they fit into the network of relationships which constitute reality. My findings indicate that the envisioned role for the individual CCP member will be built up along these lines: As a leader and teacher of the Chinese people, they will take the lead in not only sharing but embodying the highest moral ideals as well as scientific knowledge. They will be enabled to do this by the instruction of their party elders, and the correct, scientific world-view enhanced by the most up-to-date developments of Chinese socialism. Armed with a proper framework in which to understand world events and their own role in them, they are encouraged to lose themselves in the project of leading and carrying out the great revival of the Chinese nation, enabling the People s Republic to make headway in international competition.eng
dc.titleQuality, competition and Marxism: A narrative identity approach to worldview of the Chinese Communist Partyeng
dc.typeMaster thesis
dc.creator.authorBjørnå, Knut Eidsten
dc.rights.termsDette dokumentet er ikke elektronisk tilgjengelig etter ønske fra forfatter. Tilgangskode/Access code A
dc.identifier.fulltextFulltext https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/45514/1/Masteroppgave_Knut-Eidsten-Bjrn.pdf

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