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dc.description.abstractNytt om runer, tolvte årgang, s. 3. Arbejdet ved Runologisk Laboratorium, København, s. 4. An Anglo-Saxon Runic Ring, s. 11. Runes at the Royal Opera House, London, s. 12. An Inscribed Disc from the River yare near Norwich, s. 13. Eine neue Runeninschrift in den Niederlanden: Bergakker, s. 15. Editor's Note in the New Find from Bergakker, s. 17. Die Runenarbeit am Seminar für deutsche Philologie (Arbeitstelle: Germanishe Altertumskunde), Göttingen, s.18. Arbeidet ved Runearkivet, Oslo, s. 20. New Runic Finds from Orkney, s. 21. Verksamheten vid Runverket, Stockholm, s. 24. "Det 9:e runologmötet", Linköping 1996, s. 32. Samnordisk runtextdatabas: slutrapport, s. 33. Runic Bibliography 1996, s. 35. Supplement to the Runic Bibliographies for 1900 to 1995, s. 55. Addresses of Centres for Runic Research, s. 59en_US
dc.relation.ispartofNytt om runer http://urn.nb.no/URN:NBN:no-39606
dc.rights© The Author(s) (1997). This material is protected by copyright law. Without explicit authorisation, reproduction is only allowed in so far as it is permitted by law or by agreement with a collecting society.
dc.titleNytt om runer, Nr. 12 (1997)en_US
dc.typeJournal issueen_US
dc.rights.holderCopyright 1997 The Author(s)
dc.identifier.fulltextFulltext https://www.duo.uio.no/bitstream/handle/10852/40217/1/Nytt-om-Runer-vol-12.pdf

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